Saturday, December 16th, 2023, 4:00 P.M.
Let Us Pray:
* In loving memory of Gary and Harriette Charles requested by family.
*In Loving Memory of Donald White, requested by the Family.
*For the families of Our Mother of Mercy parish, especially those listed on the sick list.
Sunday, December 17th, 2023: 9:00 A.M.
Let us Pray:
*In Loving Memory of Terry “Chuck” Ashley on his 39th Heavenly Birthday,
requested by his children.
*In loving memory of Sean Ausmer and Miles Bainsford, requested by
Eldon and Laverne Ausmer.
*In loving memory of Wilfred J. Barnes, requested by the Barnes Family
*Prayers of Healing for Sophia Brown, requested by Lynn and Scott Brown
*Birthday Blessings for
Nell Singleton, requested by LaWanda and Family
For Birthday Blessings and Blessings Received for Regina Charlot.
In Loving Memory of Marie Charlot on her anniversary into Heaven and Happy Heavenly to John Charlot. Requested by Family.
Happy Birthday Blessings to Dezi (DJ) Charlot. Requested by Family.